vineri, 9 ianuarie 2009

work, mails and marburg trains

i can say that things get normal again, after the holidays stress. for me the birocratical stress just begins, and the extremely cold weather doesnt make it more easy.

i started searching for a master and writing mails to ask about language tests and papers and so on. this work takes days as i can see, my free time here is not at all enough. i really started dreaming at days of 28 hours instead of 24, started seeing sleeping preoccupation in a total different perspective ( important enough to become a life dream ), or i have to admit sometimes i would just like to leave everything behind, go to an island like i often talk with mathias and just feel myself living. but indeed, who doesnt wish this.

i ask myself to often if the people at work like me at all, this weird feeling that someone watches you and look for your mistakes leads to lack of motivation and a very low self-esteem.
i still wait for things to get better, till than i try leaving in my world, of mails and marburg trains, as long as they keep my mind busy it's ok.

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